Features & covermounts
- Myst Preview
Exclusive preview of the new Amiga conversion of Myst. The biggest selling PC CD-ROM
game of all time comes to the Amiga via ClickBOOM.
- PowerUP - First Look
CU Amiga looks at the first Amiga PowerPC card to be released: phase 5's Cyberstorm PPC.
- ISDN: The Net on Speed
All you need to know about the new affordable world of ISDN and how it makes
conventional modem links seem like a piece of string.
- AIR Link Part 2
Follow up to the groundbreaking AIR Link infra-red controller/reciever project
from the November issue which came with a free PCB.
- Freeware Roundup
Some of the best totally free Amiga software put under the spotlight.
Floppy disks
- PC Task 3.1 (full program) - Emulate a PC on your Amiga!
- Dir Work 2.1 (full program) - Top two-lister file manager.
- Diamond Caves (game demo) - Addictive Boulderdash clone.
- Another 100% full CD with all of the above plus:
- Massive icon collection
- OnEscapee demo
- Utilities
- Demos
- Anims
- Mods
- Pics and all that stuff
- Championship Manager 2
- Cannon Fodder 1+2 (re-release)
- Blade
- TFX Tips
- Tips Central
- Adventure Helpline
- Scanner Round-up
- ImagineX
- HiSoft Squirrel CD-R
- Sharp MiniDisc Recorder
- Viper 520CD
- Imagine 4.0
- Amiga C Programming
- Net God
- Surf of the Month
- Wired World
- Sound Lab
- Desktop Publishing
- Q+A
- A-Z
- Backchat
- Points of View