- News report
Gateway 2000 - progress at last, Golden Image ConneXion Ethernet, MicroniK
American distribution, Two Amiga Magazines close, New PowerPC chips,
Imagine add-on released, Stateside news, Project XG addendums and many more
hot news items.
- Covermount: TFX
The full, legendary and yet unreleased Amiga version of DID's superb flight
simulator can be found on the CD-ROM of CU Amiga. The floppy disk issue has
a special coupon inside to order the 7 disks of TFX to install to hard
drive. The ultimate covermount givaway for the ultimate Amiga
- Feature: TFX
Expanded coverage and detailed instructions for TFX. The controls,
missions, tips and how-tos for the ultimate Amiga flight sim. In short,
the coverage TFX deserves.
- DIY Scene: "Suzanne"
The DIY portable A600 as shown at the World of Amiga. This machine
(pictured) is an Amiga 600 with a 28Mhz 68020, 8MB of RAM, 8 speed CD-ROM,
LCD screen, Glidepoint mouse, internal power supply and stereo sound. Phew!
Suzanne's creator, Simon Archer, describes how he built Suzanne, one very
special and unique Amiga.